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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our childrens future

So recently i read an article where a Superintendant of a school district in California who gave up $800k of his salary. He will run 325 schools and 35 school districts with 195,000 students for less then a starting salary 1st year teacher...did i also mention he wont get benefits either?? And all to help save his school's budget. How bout that?!

Our glorious Governor here in PA made a choice to balance the states budget by slashing education funding by billions of dollars. My children attend BASD. They're budget was hit hard as well as ASD and many others. The first thing that happens of course is to lay teachers off, which is illegal I've been told to lay teachers off due to budget cuts, which is why when there are budget cuts the first thing a Superintendant will do is try to present a restructuring of things, if you will, so they can get rid of teachers to balance the budget. Ridiculousness if you ask me.

You will NEVER see that happen around here, let me tell ya! The superintendant of ASD not only made a complete mess over there and then quit, but he gets paid still to do absolutely nothing! And of course here in BASD, they lay teachers off too but never once do the members of the Board take a pay but to save not even one teacher or a pay freeze or something, anything! Everyones first response to a budget cut is to do away with teachers. I am perfectly fine with getting rid of some teachers, because personally i think some of them shouldn't be teaching, but there are some really good ones out there too. My oldest child's 5th grade teacher emailed me when he started middle school asking me how he was doing and how he liked it. Now my youngest, some of her teachers were there to collect a paycheck and nothing more and that is where our kids are being wronged.

I could go on and on about BASD i really could but Im sure at some point I will run out of character space. Dont think either for one second this is the last post I will do on the BASD, I am NOT a fan of them and I pick on them frequently. Cheers!


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